Thursday, February 19, 2009

Recognition Celebration!

Speaking of harvest... I hope each of you gained as much as I did in the huge booster shot of our Celebration! January 10th at the Wooden Nickel in Knox City. I hardly need to write any thing about it as the Knox County News team had such a great time and covered the night in detail. Their story is here on the Blog too, so turn to it for a full account of what you missed if you couldn't join us. Those of us who were there can testify to the adrenaline charge in the room from the beginning of the Visiting Hour, when judging from the noise level alone, folks were having a great time catching up with each others news, getting acquainted with those they didn't know and Wow!ing over the renovation of this old building. Absolutely awe inspiring!

The addition of a stage and fantastic sound system, provided the perfect showcase for our musicians, local college students Matthew Coffman and Keri Beck, joined by the Jones brothers, also college students from over at Paducah. They were a great hit, finally being "discovered" at home, although they are an extremely popular dance band down south in the San Angelo State area and as duos or soloists all have played and sang in just about every Church around. Amazing what talent quietly surrounds us here in Knox County! Since I had no idea what the name of their group, or even which members would be able to make it, just Matthew's assurance they'd play for us, back when we sent out the invitations, we simply billed Five Star Entertainment for the evening, meaning it as an adjective, description only. Playing along as great sports, the kids have adopted the name Five Star Entertainment Less One, as Beck sister Kimberly wasn't home. So the next time you are in need of professional quality country, swing, spiritual, original or dance music remember you first heard Five Star Entertainment Minus One right here at our Celebration! And if you are very lucky you can book them too! Seriously, when they can come home to sing and play they're happy to do it. Call me for Matthew or Brice Jones number!

My favorite part of the night was the Community Showcase, followed by what I still refer to as Steve Pepper's "I Believe" Speech, where he challenged us all to Catch the Vision, while recognizing the accomplishments made in a very short time by those who have, like the Young Guns! Travis and Brenda Floyd sang ”You Lift Me Up" to open our dinner program and it perfectly set the theme for the Community Showcase when the achievements of our communities and the obvious love and enthusiasm of each representative who talked about their hometown, Truscott, Vera, Goree, Munday and Knox City really did LIFT ME UP! I was reminded again of the one big thing that swayed me to come and work with the Knox County Visioning Team, the love and dedication folks here have for our homes and heritage! Thank you all!

I would be remiss not to tell you though that the folks sitting around me seemed most impressed with their delicious steak dinners and the yummy before dinner treats, and saw everything else as welcome extras! Seems the old adage about food being the way to a man's heart is still true!

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