Friday, March 25, 2011

KCVG Monthly Meeting Recap

The KCVG met on Thursday, March 24th at the Wichita Brazos Museum in Benjamin. Mary Jane Young told the group about the humble beginnings of the historical commission and museum being housed in the courthouse, and later opening this magnificent building in June 2009.
Emily Nelson, Director of the Knox City Chamber of Commerce handed out a 2011 calendar of events for the Knox City Chamber. She also reported on her chamber banquet that honored the energy businesses in Knox City. They had 160 people in attendance. She also reminded the group about the TxDOT meeting that was set for 6:30 pm that evening in Knox City to discuss the street and sidewalk project.
Mitzi Welch, Benjamin Chamber president reported that the Benjamin Chamber is seeking funding for a metal cowboy statue that will be placed on the corner of Hwy 82 and 6. Mr. Barrington out of Throckmorton will build this statue.
Jimi Coplen, KCVG Director discussed the upcoming Yes You Can! Program that will be starting soon. This program is done in conjunction with the AgriLife Extension Service. Lorrie Coop will be doing the classroom side of this soon with high school kids. The KCVG will use remaining grant funds to help pay students salaries to work in area businesses. There are fewer grant dollars this year, so the program will be smaller. We will be seeking out kids who need a job for the summer and employers who would like to hire them.
Ms. Coplen also reported the upcoming welding class that will start in April. Ads are running in both newspapers. The class is limited to 15 students and will cost $150 per student.
Ms. Coplen also discussed the April Business Development Workshop. The topic of this workshop will be Customer Service and Hospitality Training. It will be held in Munday at the Perry Patton Center on April 26th from 6-7 p.m. People are encouraged to tell business owners and friends about the workshop, and the possibility of sending employees.
The first annual Knox County Adventure Days is slated for June 17-19. This will be a heritage tourism event, exposing people to what is available in their own backyard. The group is working on a photography scavenger hunt, an amazing race, a 5K race, a hiking trip, and more. A committee is being formed to hash out details of this event. Anyone wishing to help plan this event is encouraged to contact the KCVG.
The KCVG Summer Internship through Ogallala Commons deadline was extended to April 15th. It was originally set for March 25th. Juniors and seniors as well as college kids are welcome to apply. Applications can be found at high schools as well as the KCVG office in the courthouse in Benjamin.
The group discussed the upcoming Summer Music Camp. We are still awaiting details on a final date. The KCVG will be helping with this event. The Knox Prairie Events Center has added 8 showers and additional furniture to their dorm rooms and accommodations will be even better this year. Last year’s camp hosted around 15 students. We would like to get 50 people signed up this year. The registration fee covers room and board as well as instructor’s fees for four days of camp. No age limit or prior music experience is needed. More details to come.
Additional flyers were shared about upcoming events such as:
  • ·      Texas Midwest Community Network Luncheon in Stamford on March 30th from 11:30-1:15.
  • ·      Texas Midwest Community Network meeting on How to Create a Local Leadership Training Program, March 31st from 5-7 at the WCTCOG Board Room in Abilene.
  • ·      Rain Water Harvesting Program on April 8 at 6pm at the Perry Patton in Munday.
  • ·      A Texas Rural Leadership Program being offered through Cisco College. The class will be held once a month for 8 months. This class is open to anyone wishing to learn more about leadership. The price is $320 to attend.

The KCVC is made up of various entities, businesses and individuals from each city in the county.  Sponsors investing in this community include Knox County, the Munday Development Corporation, the Knox City Economic Development Corporation, the City of Munday, the City of Knox City, the City of Goree, Quality Implement, First National Bank, Citizen’s Bank, Knox County Hospital, Knox County Abstract, AEP and Circle Bar Ranch.  The KCVC meets monthly and is open to anyone wishing to get involved in community and economic development in Knox County.

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