Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Taking Action in 2011

Welcome to 2011. It came fast and will leave just as quickly. That is why it is so important to plan your 2011 goals now. Don't wait.

Take five minutes and think about these things to get started:  Where would you like your business or organization to be this time next year? What projects would you like to mark off your list of things to do?  How will you get those things done?  Think about what steps or action you can implement to get there. Write it down, and try to see it through.  It doesn't have to be big and grand. The key is implementation.  How will you break it down into feasible steps?

If you need a little inspiration for goals, I would highly recommend subscribing to this web site:  http://smallbiztrends.com  It is full of great ideas for small businesses and organizations.  I literally can't stop reading it.  You won't regret it and might even find yourself stepping outside the box just a little.

Mark your calendars for January 20th for the next KCVG meeting in Goree at the bank building (Trainham Ice) at 3:30 p.m.  We will be discussing our 2011 Plan of Action which has some pretty cool stuff in it.  Also, January 24th for an Issues Identification meeting hosted by AgriLIFE Extension. This is your opportunity to discuss the issues you feel are prevalent to Knox County.  (More information coming soon!)

Hope to see you there.

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